Join us at Hey Lady!
Hey Lady! is an English speaking community that has everything you need to develop strong communication skills in English.
To join you will need to be a woman, aged over 18 years old with an Intermediate English level or higher.
We will show you how to:

Meet great speaking partners
so you will always have people that you enjoy talking to in English.

Start speaking regularly
so that you feel more confident and fluent when you speak English.

Study more effectively
so that you can manage your time and continue to grow even when you're busy

Expand your comfort zone
so that you challenge yourself to have new experiences and are ready for anything!
Finally speak English with confidence and ease!
Annually save 36%
Annually save 36%

Try it FREE for 7 days! (trial included)

"The best decision I ever made... it changed my life!"
I studied English for three years and wasn’t able to overcome the fear of speaking. I was frustrated because it felt like a waste of time. So I decided to try something new. After just two months at Hey Lady!, I saw a great improvement in my speaking, listening and confidence. Joining this community is the best decision I ever made; it changed my life!

A supportive place to practise, judgement-free

Meet & connect with real people
Joining Hey Lady! connects you to a global network of like-minded women who understand your challenges and won't judge you for making mistakes. You will gain real experience talking to people from different countries and learn to hear and understand different accents.

Practise talking in real conversations
Forget about roleplays and AI speaking apps that you don't enjoy! The fastest way to build fluency is to practise speaking in authentic conversations about the things you're passionate about. We provide topics, lessons and daily opportunities to practise speaking in real conversations.

Be ready to speak in real situations
Follow our unique fluency framework and you'll be able to think in English, be yourself in English and speak more fluently than you ever imagined. When the time comes for you to speak English with someone you are meeting for the first time, you will feel relaxed, confident and ready for anything!
”More than just a platform to improve your English”

Confident in only 3 months!

I landed my dream job!

Two years ago I couldn't speak

Actually talk with people!

No judgement here!

I'm no longer afraid

Cost comparison
You could save $2665 per year with Hey Lady! compared to an English tutor if you were to practise speaking for 3 hours per week.
156 hours over 12 months

The Hey Lady Advantage
Save time
We give you the framework, organise the people, the coaches and the technology, so you don't have to! All you need to do is show up.
Save money
Don't spend thousands of dollars paying a tutor for every hour of practise. Hey Lady! offers you unlimited practice for one low price.
Be ready to speak!
Hey Lady! prepares you for the real world of English. The diversity of people, accents, topics and formats you experience means you will literally be able to talk to anyone about.
Frequently asked questions
How long will it take until I can speak fluently?
Fluency is a journey, not a destination.
It's something that you feel, not something you can take an exam for. It's about your capacity to speak freely and confidently about any given topic by drawing on the words and grammar you already know.
And because there are so many topics you could possibly speak about, it's a skill that you develop with regular practice over time.
Improve over time
Over time, you will expand your fluency into different areas: your personal life, your career, your industry, music, the arts, science, technology, global issues.
How quickly you become fluent will depend on how frequently you practise and the goals you set to expand your vocabulary range.
It's just like learning to play a musical instrument or learning any other practical skill.
Start slowly
If you don't currently speak English very often, we recommend starting with 15 minutes per day, 3-4 times per week and just get used to speaking more often!
From there, you can adjust the time you dedicate to your practice, depending on your goals and how quickly you want to reach them.
From our experience of helping thousands of women on ther journey, we know that members who commit to 3-4 hours per week can achieve impressive results in just 3 months of regular English speaking practice!
Within 12 months of regular daily, Hey Lady! members find they can talk confidently to anyone about anything!
Will someone correct my mistakes? How will I get feedback?
Inside Hey Lady! you will get feedback and corrections in different ways.
Coaches: Our coaches are here to support and guide you. In group conversations your coach will be there to offer clarification and support to all participants. You can also attend live classes where your coach can help to answer any questions you might have.
But our coaches are not the only ones who can help you!
Members: In Hey Lady! you will find English speakers of all different levels, some who have academic English or are studying to teach English themselves. Through their experience they have so much to offer and are here to help you! Your speaking partners will give you feedback, ask for clarification and help you relax your accent and speak clearly.
Self correction - you will learn to correct yourself! Just by participating in real conversations you will be receiving instant feedback about whether you are being understood by the reactions and responses from the people you are talking to. Although that may seem strange right now, you will soon discover that self-correction and 'reflection' are even more powerful ways to improve than getting corrections from a coach.
Need more?
If you do need more personalised feedback and support, we offer group coaching programs throughout the year including Speak English With Ease or English For Work!
Please note: If you are looking for a private tutor or a personal language coach, Hey Lady! may not be the right place for you. We recommend looking to other platforms where you can pay for a private tutor by the hour.
What time are the classes? Are there any in my time zone?
Inside Hey Lady! you will find LIVE events happening in every time zone, every day!
PLUS you can join LIVE video chat through our "Live Tables" at any time of day.
That means that no matter where you live, or what time it is, you can always find someone to talk to.
Hey Lady! events range from 15 minutes to 2 hours in duration and your membership includes access to all of them.
Our Coaches also host live lessons and workshops in every time zone, every week. You can attend these events to learn new grammar, practise pronunciation or get feedback and answers to your questions.
We also provide a huge library of recorded lessons with workbooks that you can study in your own time, at your own pace, and then put what you learn into practice in real conversations
How many people are in the classes & conversations?
We off both one-to-one and group conversations and group classes.
Group classes vary in size because some are more popular than others.
When it comes time to practise speaking, large groups will always be divided into smaller groups using 'breakout rooms'.
Breakout rooms are a feature of our video calls, allowing the event host or coach to divide everyone into groups of 2 to 4 ladies. This ensures everyone has the opportunity to participate and practise.
What English level is best for Hey Lady!?
Hey Lady! has been designed for Intermediate (B1), Upper Intermediate (B2), Advanced (C1) and Proficient (C2) level English learners
For each level, our live events, lessons and learning experiences will help you the build confidence to communicate in different contexts. Our goal is to help you expand your comfort zone step-by-step to help you reach a level that meets your personal or professional needs.
Please note: Hey Lady! is an immersive English experience, everything we do is in English. That also means we don't teach 'the basics'.
To participate fully, you will need to have at least Intermediate (B1) level English or above.
If you are still a beginner, we recommend you continue your studies until you reach the required level.
You can take a comprehensive Speaking Level Assessment after you join to find out your Speaking Level in Hey Lady!.
Can I get one-to-one lessons with a teacher?
No, Hey Lady! does not offer one-to-one lessons with a teacher.
There are two very important reasons for this:
1. Private lessons are expensive! To become fluent in English, the average learner needs approximately 500 hours of "actual speaking practice". When you consider the average hourly cost of a teacher ($19USD per hour) to work with you privately, it would cost thousands of dollars to become fluent!
No wonder so many people quit because of the cost of private lessons!
At Hey Lady! our members share the cost of our coaches which means they get access to more coaches and guidance for a fraction of the cost.
2. Group learning offers more benefits. From our experience, we know that the fastest way to become fluent is by speaking to different people, in different contexts about different topics.
"Learning" happens faster and more dynamically when you interact with multiple people, not just one tutor.
That's why in Hey Lady! you will find plenty of opportunities to get support and help from our coaches in small groups, to maximise the impact and the results!
Are there native English speakers in Hey Lady!?
Hey Lady! is a community of English speakers, not native English speakers.
Many English learners are convinced that the only way to become fluent is to practise with native English speakers.
This simply isn't true! Holding on to this belief will hold you back from reaching your fluency goals faster.
All the women in our community are eager to develop their conversation skills. That makes them willing, enthusiastic and reliable speaking partners! You both have something to gain in every conversation.
We offer a unique and proven approach to helping you become fluent. Where someone was born is not relevant.
Our community members range in proficiency from intermediate all the way to proficient. Just like you, they are not beginners.
Hey Lady! offers you a very realistic experience of English exposing you to people who have different accents, cultural expressions and mannerisms which gives you a significant advantage in the real world of English.
After just a few months following our unique methodology, you will be able to understand and communicate with anyone, including native speakers!
Can I practise professional English (for work)?
Yes! Absolutely.
You will find many opportunities to improve your English for work inside our platform.
Our philosophy about developing your English for work focuses on effective communication skills, rather than 'corporate vocabulary'.
In the modern workforce, success is measured by your ability to communicate effectively to build relationships, contribute, motivate others and influence decisions.
And for this reason, our members use our platform to collaborate and discuss topics relevant to these skills.
You will find members hosting events to improve public speaking and presentation skills, practising for a job interview or talking about their industry.
Hey Lady! members regularly share their professional knowledge and experiences about time management, managing stress and dealing with conflict in the workplace.
As a Hey Lady! member, you can host your own events about any topic you choose. That means you can choose a topic that is relevant to your career and invite others to join you to help you practise.
Throughout the year our Coaches also offer a group coaching program called "English for Work".
Enrolling in this optional 3-part program gives you the advantage of personalised support from a coach, specifically to improve your effective communication skills for work, in English.
What else can I learn besides fluency? What about writing, grammar or pronunciation?
There is so much you can learn with Hey Lady!
Yes! We offer the chance to practise writing.
Our community has it's own online magazine where you can write an article and have it published for others to read, comment and give you feedback. Our Coaches regularly provide feedback on the articles as well.
Yes! You can learn more grammar. We have a Grammar Library of video lessons and workbooks. Our Coaches provide live grammar classes where you can learn new grammar, bring your questions and have them answered.
Yes! We offer pronunciation training. Every conversation topic provided by our Coaches includes a lesson to help you improve pronunciation.
We also run pronunciation challenges and training events throughout the year.
And there is so much more! Hey Lady! members host events to discuss hundreds of different topics from time management to self care, psychology theory to movie reviews to deep discussions about global issues. These events give you the opportunity not only to improve your fluency but to learn something new every week, beyond just English.
I don't have a credit card and PayPal is not available in my country. What can I do?
The Monthly Plan (including the free trial) is not available without a credit card or PayPal account.
However, if you’d like to sign up for a Yearly Plan, we can arrange payment by bank transfer. Please contact us via the contact form at the end of the page or email and our team will be glad to assist you.
Why is a payment method required for a free trial? Isn't it free?
Hey Lady! is a private community where our members support our coaches, team and platform by paying membership fees.
Without the support of our members, Hey Lady! would not be possible.
By signing up for the 7-day free trial, we assume that you are seriously considering a membership.
The trial is not available on it's own and is not for people who aren't really interested in becoming a member. This protects the quality of our community and the experience we offer.
For these reasons, we request your credit card information so we can ensure a smooth experience between the trial and your paid membership.
Please note: There is no obligation to buy. You can cancel easily at any time during your trial and you will not be charged. We do not store your payment information if you cancel.
You have what it takes
I started Hey Lady! because I believe that when women come together with shared goals and intentions, amazing things unfold—careers pivot, friendships form, and magic happens.
We need to hear diverse female voices around the world; Hey Lady! is the place to nurture and develop your English voice and your confidence to speak.
I believe you have everything it takes to achieve your dreams (even if you don't believe it yet yourself). So, I warmly invite you to join our community, even just for a few months, so that you can discover how much you are truly capable of.